Indian College of Teacher Training
Baniyana Road Hingotiya Dausa Rajasthan
Affiliated by University of Rajasthan & Recognized by NCTE
+91-9314073158       Email


To be physically fit is an essential ingredient of the Training program. For this INDIAN COLLEGE OF TEACHER TRAINING College is fully awakened. It possesses vast playgrounds with all the basic amenities and required material. The college has arrangements for Volleyball, Basketball, Badminton, T. Tennis and Cricket in its vicinity. The College provides facilities for Indoor games like-Chess, Carom, Computer games etc. also.
As per Academic plan and Activity chart the sports week and other Co-curricular activities are conducted and the students take part in them enthusiastically.
The ranked students are rewarded in the annual function. A Qualified Physical Education Director supervises & monitors all this.

Play Ground

Games & Sports